Deborah's Little Nest

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Art Therapy...A First for Me!

Today I had my first visit with "my" art therapist. Hospice provides so many wonderful services and the social worker came several weeks ago and explained choices I had access to. Because I was given the choice, I asked if she might help me with making yo-yo templates. (If you don't know...yo'yo's are mostly circles of fabric you gather and can make quilt covers, crafts. lots of ideas)

One of the reasons I needed help with this is because I get frazzled with too many steps to anything. The time she spent helping me created the following:
1. together we made paper templates for the plastic templates
2. We cut out 2 different fabrics and sizes. I am wanting to make myself a matching necklace and bracelet! The fabric will match a skirt Jennifer recently sewed for me. (She sewed me 6 skirts........yes! The number is 6! I have never had so many new skirts and the colors are so fun!) The skirt is black with white polka dots. I just hope I get them done.

The art therapist, Denise, will be back in 2 weeks. I accepted her offer to guide me in what she described as expressing your losses through art. This isn't really my cup of tea normally, but I'm not exactly "normal" these days! :-) I'm sure my little artwork will not be displayed at any art gallery.

Unless there is a museum out there somewhere that collects artwork titled, 'STICK PEOPLE!"


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that I'm not the only one in the family who can't draw anything except stick figures! :-)
