I have 2 of the sweetest little grandsons. They ARE boys that love to play in dirt, go sledding (on way too daring of hills...but I'm known to be a wimp so I'm sure I'm not a good judge of such things), they love to wrestle with their Papa. They like to play with their guns and go "hunting" and also "protecting us women. :-) Mosiah and Israel are part of my heart treasure chest! I sure do have a swelling treasure chest these days!
I was showing Mosiah my little blog here last night. I read the last post aloud to him about my blessings. He asked me if I mentioned that he fasted for me. No, I hadn't. After he left I pondered on my previous thoughts of the day my branch took a day last Wednesday to sacrifice for me by fasting and praying about my health conditions. My grandson, Mosiah at age 6, fasted for me. I was so touched because he actually fasted from lunch until he got home after prayer meeting. I asked him if it was hard and he said at one point it was but "I just started thinking about other things and played other games." I was speechless at his moment of expressing his spiritual maturity. I looked at him differently: my little "brother in Christ!" Wow!
With tears I write this. How do I show appreciation for such love from my brothers and sisters? It is not possible. But I can say that GOD gave me a very clear and wonderful testimony the morning after the prayer meeting. It is written and now typed. Their prayers were heard!
I made sure Mosiah knew his fasting brought a great blessing to me and I did hear from the Lord. He seemed to understand how significant that was. I can testify his little spirit is being nourished. The seeds are sprouting and he is able to share little "buds" here and there. My strong-willed grandson WILL be STRONG for His Lord. I am sure of that.
Then he was off to be a little 6 year old boy.
And I close this entry today with praise to my Heavenly Father for watching over me, just one of His little "sparrows."
"HEAR, O, LORD, and have mercy upon me; Lord, be thou my helper. Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing; thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness.
To the end that my soul may give glory to thy name, and sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O LORD my GOD, I will give thanks unto thee forever." Psalms 30:10-12
Because of HIM I live today,
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
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Oh how sweet Mom. I need to print this post off so Mosiah will always have it! I love you!